Digital Twin Platform



Digital twin platform that enables integrated monitoring
and simulation by creating a virtual model
based on the real-time data of various systems or processes.

Digital twin platform that responds to continuous changes in real-time, full 3D modeling based on WebGL through user experience
and data-based decision-making, intuitive visualization, and simulation, RENOBIT aims to become a mirror world digital twin
through linkage with the latest technologies, such as NeRF and 3D creation technology.


RENOBIT increases
the efficiency of data utilization.

  • WeMB's experiences and technology are optimally provided to implement an intelligent digital twin from various perspectives, including IoT data collection and processing, integration and connection, and data storage that can effectively simulate, control, monitor, and predict the real-world situation.
  • Provides a modularized prediction engine by using its own 3D rendering technology, simulator, and big data analysis algorithm.
  • Supports digital transformation in various areas with a digital twin platform based on WebGL and full 3D modeling to provide convenient editing tools and a multi-layer viewer.


The features of WeMB RENOBIT

  • Collection and integration
    of various types of data

    Collects data stably from various IoT sensors and equipment, in various settings such as smart city, power/energy, and environment.

  • RTLS-based,
    real-time location info and tracking functions

    Provides real-time location and movement path tracking, and real-time monitoring of people, assets, and vehicles by utilizing technologies, such as beacon tags and LiDAR.

  • Real-time,
    full 3D environment

    Provides real-time rendering of all managed objects, effective modeling technology, LOD 200 to LOD 500, and quick implementation with the latest real-time 3D modeling technology.

  • Remote control and real-time actuator control

    It integrates various IoT controllers, and manages remote execution and control functions.

  • Various dimensional info based on spatial info(GIS)

    Provides spatial info based on GIS maps that can be applied to various fields, including disaster and safety information, facilities, transportation, environment, power, and energy.

  • SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)

    Visualizes standard operating procedures according to events, such as disaster/safety, and supports SOP processes, such as code of conduct, notification sending, and mock training according to procedures.

RENOBIT Architecture


The most reliable way to implement a digital twinConsult WeMB


위엠비 뉴스레터

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수집목적 : 뉴스레터 및 ㈜위엠비의 마케팅 정보 발송

보유기간 : 뉴스레터 및 ㈜위엠비의 마케팅 정보 수신 거부 시까지

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